Archive for the ‘pixilated’ Category

Pixilated Project

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

One project that I have only just had time to finish is the pixilated self portrait. I first of all drew a grid over an A3 photograph of my face and then enlarged that photo x3 onto an A2(??) piece of paper.  Then I had to draw out the basic outline of my face on the large piece of paper and label the sides of my grid, numbers up the side and letter across the top. I then opened my photograph on Photoshop and printed out the selection of colours in it, and labeled them with a code; A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, e.t.c.
My next step was to fill in each small square on my grid, or ‘pixel’, with the correct code  for the colour in that part of my face. I used this as a guide to fill in each pixel with the appropriate colour. After finding the correct colouring pencils that matched the colours on my printed out sample sheet, I set to work carefully colouring each square of the grid.
However, I decided quite quickly that I didn’t like the way this looked, and so started again, filling in only a small circle inside each square instead of the whole thing. This looked majorly better and so I continued in this way until every square had been filled. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this project because it seemed to contain a lot of maths, but in the end I didn’t find it difficult at all. I am pretty pleased with how my final portrait has turned out, although I think it’s quite hard to tell it’s a face, even after having compared it to the photograph. If I ever did this again I think I would make the pixels a lot smaller as this would most definitely cause the picture to be clearer. Overall I am quite pleased with this project.

Photoshopped Selfies

Monday, October 21st, 2013




This is a selection of the same photo edited using Photoshop. I experimented with different filters to achieve different effects.